Risk analysis

Risk analysis is an essential component of the risk management process, which consists in understanding and in depth studying the risks. Starting from the causes and sources of the risks and aiming to determine the consequences of its occurrence as well as the probability of their occurrence, the risk analysis is the basis of any risk decision, respectively the basis of the entire risk management process.

The practice demonstrates the importance of the risk analysis process, in order to develop prevention, control and reduction strategies.

This type of consultancy enables management teams to better understand threats, in order to develop appropriate strategies for addressing them.

Derulăm analiza riscurilor dintr-o perspectivă integrată, stabilind cadrul general care creează premisele consolidării unui proces continuu de control si diminuare a riscurilor în cadrul unei organizații. Totodată, evaluăm resursele și elementele de infrastructură necesare pentru gestionarea riscurilor analizate, oferind consultanță pentru construirea procedurilor de comunicare și a platformelor de monitorizare și raportare permanentă.

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